Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Jess and me when we don't know what to do when we are waitin for a drive..

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween PArty

yeahhh wili-Wonka that boy makes the best COSMOS in the whole world!

Yeahhhh le mec qui organisait la party (le cousin de Megan: ca aide pour se faire inviter.... Et oui fallait avoir "21" et plus..on etait des priviliegieeeeee ...la CLasssssssss)

Jvous presente : JESUS! No comment! just MDR

Thursday, October 26, 2006

jeudi 10/26

yeah American style : my Levis is Cleannn guyyssss .i'm Positiv!

A la recherche de notre outfit pour halloween...

Qui a di que les amerlock navaient pas de bonne bieres... a such a good Beer: Great White ! thanks tonton Megan!

yeahh Guilia en blonde. Et oui , Charly's Angles oblige!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ok, juste un petit sondage pour Megan, which one??? OKiiii beh elle a choisi la premiere aussi..CA C fait!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sacramento Trip

Yeah with Lavi in The MALL...

Edouardo (from Italy), the spanich girl and Oystein... Edouardo is coming back in Italy MDR il sest fait capter en train de fumer un join par sa host family et ensuite avec dla coke a lecole ( cachee dans un Cooki MDR)... alors bon depuis kil sait ke dans une semaine il est en Italie , il termine sa marchandise... chouette we!

yeahhh on the front : Umberto and Marco ( THE TWO Italian guys!)

everyone on the international hostel 's stairs...

Just 'cause I love this picture

Sacramento Trip

yeahhh Cecilia (from Norvege)... We were lost in a Corn Field with some scared attraction... that was pretty cool...

from top to bottom and from left to right : Tom from Pologne, Oystein from Norvege,une fille despagne,Raquel from Brezil,Lavinia,UMBERTO from Italy in Torrino!,Nina from Mexique.

a little word about Umberto : SSooo Cute, he remember me someone else from Belgium who I miss So much !!!! you should hear him talking in French with an italian accent! I definitively WANNA LEARn italian... Si si

Cecilia after shopping. I love that Grils and we live in the same town: that's COOl...

Sacramento Trip

'cause it's Sacramento : THe CApitol!!! yeahhh Sooo white.

Cecilia and me on the front of Arnold 's office....

yeahhhh I need something to drinkkk im so tursted ... hooo look over there : REDBUlll... and 'cause of them we were late and got troubles with our cordinators just for 30min we had to wash all the kitchen of the international Hostel! Crasy american people! anyway, that was fun...

Oystein , my Blond EMO Gay boy ..washing the dishes ... I told you...
Oystein (impossible to say), me, Tomasz ( maybe my new date for the Dance if he doesn't have a Football game) and Cecilia : 3D Movie.

bYE PEOPLE, SAY YOU IN Sanfrancisco for the next Trip. And maybe Hawaii if i'm coming... And So nice to Meet you !!! keep in touch!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

st pell night

Waiting for the Pizzaaaaa

Making some Jus , of course...

and Enjoy !...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Monterey bay

Hooo des Phoques!


Monterey bay

a kind of ice cream... cookies and cream... Soo good

Yeah Lunch dans un resto special forest Gump...


ya pas a dire cest ingenieu ...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Golden Rush

Yeahhhh comment faire reference au camp Pio... Toute belle celle la, jsuis sur kil avait une piK a brochette!

Devant le Candy Shop...

moment demotion.. mon premier Saloon....

prend la pose avec monsieur le vendeur de livre.

Golden Rush

ma couzzz Keylsey and me a la recherche du fameux metal jaune!

Bon okii a cote de lui on avait lair de touristes (ca tombe bien vu kon etaient des touristes...) fin soit... Le mec imperturbable...

Celui ki trouve la pepitte : Chapeau! indice: c vers le bas au milieu.

Salle dexplosifs du musee..

Tadam petite journee Visite: on ets passe par San Andreas pour ensuite atterir a Columbia historik museum (untruc du genre). En gros c une ancienne petite ville des annee 1840-50-60 certes restauree mais tres typik... un peu de 'culture' americaine donc...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

pictures time


Lisa, Jess et ...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Monday, October 02, 2006
